3 Reasons to Attend a Career Fair

Career fairs are a great resource for students. From the wide arrange of employers to the variety of career options, we recommend attending at least one during your college career. It may seem daunting at first, but Career Development is here to share some of the benefits career fairs offer students.

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1. Put a Face to Your Resume

With most resumes being submitted remotely, yours can become another piece of paper in a pile of resumes. At a career fair, employers are able to put your face to your resume, allowing your personality and communication skills to shine. First impressions are key when applying for jobs, and career fairs allow you to make your first impression count.

2. Onsite Interviews

After submitting an application or resume remotely, it can take weeks to hear back about an opportunity to interview. At career fairs, many employers offer the opportunity to have an onsite interview right at their booth or table. This can speed up the hiring process and sometimes even lead to job offers on the spot.

3. More Employers

At the very least, career fairs maximize your time and effort, all while saving gas. With 25-50 employers at an average career fair, students could potentially submit over 15 job applications in one day. Career Development recommends contacting the host of a career fair and requesting a list of all employers attending. This will allow you to strategically decide which employers to visit and submit applications to.

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